Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sunday Art Clinic

"Follow me Downtown"
Well, I was "Tired but Inspired" at the Art Clinic today. I actually went to my dressing room at 2:30 am and slept on the floor until 6 am when Kenny got everything packed up. I came home and went right to bed then Matilda woke me up at 10:30! So I got up, had my tea, read the news, showered, and got there by 1pm and painting for 5 hours. I felt good and got a lot accomplished today but I'm fading fast now. I finished "Follow Me Downtown" - this is photo I took of Greenville, SC a few years ago (the girl is made up). I love the spattered sunlight on the sidewalk and buildings so I'm pleased with this one. I almost finished my still life but will have to work on it a little more. It's going to be one of my favorite and I want to do more still lifes. I'm back home and Kenny went to Kroger for me and I made a nice fruit salad with cheese and crackers. Now I'm putty in my chair and Desperate House Wives is about to come on so I'm down for the count. We had a great weekend at Beluga and I love my new Rod Stewart song! Now, I'll probably be useless tomorrow but I'm going to sleep hard and dream about painting.......

1 comment:

Christy said...

Love the colors - this one seems very gentle, to me....