Wednesday, April 2, 2008

spring cleaning

I'm not sure what has happened but I'm on a mission! I started cleaning out my "bag" closet - the one above the bathtub that I love! I now have a van full of "donations" - I had stuff in there from years ago and I got rid of it all! It does feel good to do this. I then started on my closet in the master bedroom (I have closets in every room!) I did move a lot of winter stuff downstairs - that was my exercise for the month! My knee did good but sore today. I'm going to tackle the "Stage Closet" downstairs today - no going up and down all day! Now, of course, it's only supposed to about 50 degrees tomorrow so I have a keep a few warm things around for a while longer. I told Kenny I felt better than I have in a long time - getting my knee fixed has done wonders for me - I'm on the way back - yeah.....

Best of My Day: Finishing one spring cleaning room.....

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