Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Ok, I did it today! I planted my leaf lettuce seed. The first thing I get to pick in my garden is lettuce because it will be ready in May. When it gets hot, the lettuce gets bitter but there is nothing like that first "Granny Salad". This was a salad my Daddy's Grandmother always made. It's just the tender leaf lettuce and spring onions with the dressing (that's the kicker!). I usually add tomatoes but they will have to be grocery store ones in May. The dressing (there is no reciepe) you just have to stick your finger in it and taste! It's Cider Vinegar, sugar (I use Splenda now) and Duke's Mayo! Just mix it up until it's a little sweet and a little sour - Yum!
I also picked 3 tullips out of my yard today and they are on the kithchen counter. Yep, spring is almost here although we may be back in the 30's next week. I'm still not complaining - that dreadful heat is coming I know. My knee feels better today too for which I'm very grateful. I also built one more bird feeder - that's 5 we have now and I think that will do it. I just love the little birds so very much. I was hoping for a mommy in my watering can at the back door again but it may still be too early. The nest is still in there so we will see what happens. I was going to cut the grass but can't get the mower to start. Kenny went and got a battery but Nope - that's not it. May be the starter and I so wanted to cut the grass. You know that is one of my favorite things in the world to do! NOT weed eat - or use the push mower - just my little tractor!!! Tomorrow is suposed to be beautiful so we'll see what I come up with then!

Best of My Day: Getting my hands in the dirt and planting my first seeds of the season....
PS> Sissy, a great Father's Day gift for Grampy would be a nail gun for his air compressor!!! He may already have one....


Christy said...

Mmmmm, hands in the dirt sounds heavenly! If you get mama birds, let us know! We are loving our wrens. The chicks are getting so big!

60ish and Glad said...

I am so jealous of the birdies. Our little cardinals died. Then our big cardinals died....after Chris - then Bill washed the bird bath with bleach water!

Watch out with those knees! Planting cannot be that good for them. You are a smart cookie about the nail came as an extra with the air compressor. He was thrilled. It clenched the deal. Ha.