Saturday, April 19, 2008

The Bunnies are Gone!!!

I guess Mommy Bunny got fed up with the kids too - I had to yell at them {kids}yesterday and when Kenny got home he had to run a bunch out of the yard too. I put a string of dental floss over the hole to see if Mommy was coming back to feed them and before we went to work I was going to check and I saw the Mommy Bunny hopping off. So I knew she was coming back. Then this afternoon Noisy Neighbor knocked on the door and said they were gone. We think the Mommy moved them or "someone" took them - I hope it's the Mommy. I wanted to get a another picture with their little eyes open but I was too busy running off the kids. Damn. So, the Bunny Saga is over and they were really cute. We're headed back to work - great night last night - and tomorrow Shane is doing another 5 hour art clinic so I've got the clock set for noon and I'm going to drag myself to Marietta and paint! I'll be "Tired but Inspired" - Hey, I like that! Happy Weekend to Everyone....


60ish and Glad said...

Too bad. Maybe you will be inspired to paint some baby bunnies! Nature is tough. I think bunnies have so many babies because the lose so many babies. The good news is that there were no bunny parts spread across the yard.

Christy said...

Well, I'm glad you don't have to worry about it anymore :) They were soooo cute.