Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Beautiful Spring Day

Now if it would only stay this nice! No Hotter! It was 70 degrees and sunny all day - just beautiful. I changed all the knobs on the kitchen cabinets - I got a great deal on line - Glass antique Blue Knobs - Regular $9.99 each and I got them for $.49 each! Now that's a deal. When we first moved I hated the blue cabinet tops but some where along the way I'm so glad we didn't get the granite and now I like the blue. So the Glass knobs really set it off! I also made a "Crockpot Apple Pie" and used Splenda - it's wonderful. Think I'll have some more for the midnight snack! AND the Bunnies have their eyes open. I'm trying to think of a way to move them to the back yard so the kids and "neighbor" will leave them the hell alone! She was in my yard last night and wanted a flashlight! GO HOME and take your kids with you! My good kid neighbor's came over (they don't try to hold them) and we looked into the hole and their little eyes are all open and they are so cute. Of course, you want to hold them but I want them to survive too. And I read all about them and they want to be wild. Of course, don't we all want to be wild! It's going to be friday already tomorrow so it's back to work at the club. A very good and talented musician we know died this week at 28. He OD'ed and that is very sad and such a tragic waste of talent. May he rest in peace.

Best of My Day: looking into the sweet bunny eyes!


60ish and Glad said...

Wow - sorry about the friend. Young people dying is hard to take. Love ya.

Christy said...

So sorry to hear about your friend. And maybe you can find some good neighbor repellent online? At a deal like those cabinet knobs? Just a thought :)