Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Little Pantings and Cigar Boxes

Oil on Canvas 5 x 7
Working on this one!!!!

"Country Lane"
Oil on Cigar Box

"Poppies on the Ledge"
Oil on Cigar Box
Boy, was I tired after yesterday. But I got up and made a "picnic lunch" - fried chicken legs, deviled eggs, corn on the cob and chips with dip! It was really good and Kenny loved it. And it felt like picnic weather too - mid 70's today! But get this - it's going to drop 20 degrees tonight and the High tomorrow is on 50! I did another closet today (stage closet) but only got one bag for the thrift store. I was bored with that so my paintings were just calling my name. I'm still doing small paintings and boxes to "learn" more. One is very special - I had a old picture of my Daddy in his Woodshop on my desk downstairs. Probably taken a couple years ago - so I painted it with not much detail - just an "impression" and I'm going to give it to him. I actually love it and oh, the memories that go along with this one! My Daddy's shop is where we can go and not say a word to each other but just connect. There is nothing like that feeling. Then, I finished a couple of cigar boxes. The pictures are not very good but I'll post them anyway. I did 2 more boxes today and started two more and one more 5 x 7! It was a good painting day. Now, when I got up to come upstairs I could not put any pressure on my knee - ouch - that hurt like hell. I had done 10 minutes on my bike today then sat at my art table for about 4 hours. I MAY have overdone it a little yesterday going up and down the stairs. I came up and put ice on it and I think I'll take it easy tomorrow! I still feel good about everything I'm doing though and look forward to another great weekend at Beluga!

Best of My Day: Painting my Daddy in his shop and "remembering".......


60ish and Glad said...

Bill and I were talking about you and your Daddy's shop today. We talked about his dad and remembered all the things in his shop - all the things he taught Bill. He bought a new air compressor today and he thought you would find it a most thrilling tool heaven knows why! :)

claibornes corner said...

Duh Sissy - of course I would love an air compressor - I can think of all kinds of uses......

60ish and Glad said...

You are too funny. The only use I can find is that it blows up my bicycle tire!