Monday, October 22, 2007

The weekend

We had a great Saturday night at Beluga - it was just one of those nights where everything clicked - the music, the performance, the comedy and especially the audience - it's nights like this that makes me never want to retire!! Then don't know what possessed me on Sunday afternoon after working so hard saturday night but I got Kenny to bring in the ladder and I cleaned all the ceiling fans! I think because I could not do anything all summer I just had to do some kind of "fall cleaning"! And they do look a lot better too! I'm going to home for a couple of days to see mother and daddy so I probably won't blog - they have dial up!!! And we all know how slow dial up is! The ole calender is filling up very quickly so this is the only time I have to go before Thanksgiving. I do plan to paint next week after we get back from Columbus next weekend. Oh, and I'm really looking forward to the "Fall Back Time" - it at least will look more like winter! HA HA .....I hope to take some reference photos too so maybe I'll have some to post later.....

Best of My Day: Clean Fans!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Cleaning ceiling fans? Ugh! I don't know what possessed you either!:)