Monday, October 1, 2007

Last Day at the Beach!

We decided to stay an extra day and boy was it worth it. We enjoyed Sunday on the beach and eating dinner in - the left over Giant Pork Chops! And I cooked some of the apples that mother gave us - yum again! The girls played so hard on the beach - I can't believe how much they love it. I got up at 8 am and watched the waves with my pot of English PG Tips Tea and it was so serene. This has been so good for me and I feel my mind and attitude has improved 100%. Even my shoulder has improved this week. I go back to two days of pyhsical therapy this week too! Today, we also had our longest walk - almost 3 miles! And Tatiana and Matilda swam in the tidal pools - I mean really swam - it was deep! A perfect ending day!I am ready to get back to my art work and paint paint paint. I feel re-charged and positive too - I love this feeling. I know we will go back and jump into a lot of work and daily grind so I'll have to remember to close my eyes, breath deep and picture the waves and hear the sounds. Sometimes all it takes is to slow down and count your blessings and I've been able to do that this week. It has been a wonderful vacation and birthday and I am thankful for everything. Kenny has enjoyed it too and he has been wonderful this week to me and the babies. Wse have all had a great time so yeah to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina!!!!!


60ish and Glad said...

I am wondering how your foot felt walking three miles! Yipes that is a long walk. Someday Emma will be like her Nana - loving those get-away moments. Bless you Sissy.

Christy said...

You got up at 8 AM???? Am I the only one that noticed that in this post? :)

60ish and Glad said...

Christy - Christy - no she did NOT get up at 8AM - She got a late start to bed!!!