Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ah, Painting Again

These are photos of "Work in Progress" Twelve weeks from my surgery and I finally painted again yesterday. It felt so good even though I only painted some small things. I did try an orginal oil on hardboard. I know a lot of people use this and I've had it a long time but just painted on it last night - I still prefer canvas. I painted some Oil cigar boxes and had fun with these. I tried to paint a couple of really small canvases - 6 x 6 and to me it's harder than painting a huge canvas! Today I had to go to Physical Therapy AND a Mamagram - talk about "squished and torture" all one day. But please get your mamagrams every year. I say this in honor of Kathy Morrow, my childhood and best friend who has been in heaven now for 8 years. She fought a hard battle so I will continue to fight for a cure. Also, I am playng with some ink jet transfer for the cigar boxes - that will be interesting. Today was my Mother and Father's 62nd Anniversary so Have a Great One! My Daddy posted a date (10-10-10) on the frig at home and we all asked what it was. He said that is the date he and mother will be married for 65 years! I thought it was the fertilizer that he always put on his garden! I feel much better about everything I've done this week. I promised after vacation I was taking my life back after surgery and I have really done it! Of course, I'm pretty tired too trying to do so much in one week. It's bath time for the babies tomorrow too - oh boy.

Best of My Day: The Weather Forecast - Highs around 70 and lows in the LOW 50'S and maybe even 48 on friday morning. Got my sweats ready!


Kristy said...

Looking good MamaC. Why are you talking about the weather? The Rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain. ;)

Christy said...

Glad to see you back in the saddle again - I know you're lovin' it, no matter how tired you are!