Monday, October 8, 2007

The Change Over

I'm so tired that I hurt all over but I got something done today that I hate doing. The clothes seasonal change over! It's up and down and up and down the stairs and lugging bags of stuff for the thrift store to the van! I do love the feeling of cleaning out the closets and my drawers (it will stay neat for a while) but I always dread doing this. At least in this house I have the storage space. At our old house it was a nightmare. So my knees hurt, my shoulder hurts, my feet hurt and I'm about to drop! I still have few things to clean out - like under the bathroom sink and the kitchen but as bad as it hurts it feels good - it that an oximoran (is that even spelled right?) So even though it is suposed to be 86 degrees I will be the most sweaty seasonaly dressed woman out there! It is suposed to be cooler by thursday (I hope because now I have nothing to wear!)

1 comment:

Christy said...

Whew! Clean closets do feel good. We don't really do seasonal changeovers here that much. We all have a handful of long-sleeved shirts and a sweater or two that just go to the top shelf and we pull out whenever we have need....not very often! But won't you be fashionable while you sweat out all 86 degrees!