Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Not allergy but a BAD Cold

I don't think this is allergy - just a late summer cold - the worst kind! I am miserable but at the housekeepers came so the house is clean and I got all the laundry done. Make a wonderful Cream of Mushroom Soup tonight and that made me feel better. And I did paint a little on some boxes today so it wasn't a total loss. It's suposed to get cooler here by the weekend so I'm looking forward to that. Now, I've got PT Wednesday and Friday and a regular Doctor appt. on Thursday so there goes my week! I can get through anything the next two weeks knowing we are going on vacation AND it will be my 57h birthday! Yeah....I just love birthdays because it's your very own special day. Now, I just Kenny doesn't get this cold too. I'm going to try and get as much rest as possible because I know that is what it really takes to get over it. So, I'm going to lie back in bed and read my murder mystery!!

Best of My Day: A clean house and I didn't have to do it!!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

So sorry you are sick - but a murder mystery and some soup seems like just the thing. Feel better soon!