Monday, September 24, 2007

Myrtle Beach South Carolina

After a great weekend at Beluga (Saturday night Birthday Celebration) we went to Mother and Daddy's yesterday and had a Another Birthday Celebration on Sunday night. See, my birthday is sept 29th and Mother's is Oct 1st. Only one day between - Poor Daddy! She had a wonderful dinner of Filet, Smashed Baked Potatoes, Asapargus Casserole and the best sliced tomato salad and bread. I could not eat even half of my steak it was so big. Now, Mr. KT ate everything!! Then she had me a coconut cake with "57" on it! It was SOOOO good. We had such a wonderful evening and my Aunt Ben came over too. Mother and I had presents which is always fun except my card said "Do Not Open until Sept. 29th"!!! HA - I know there is money in there! My Daddy felt so good and that makes my heart sing and he did go back to the Doc this morning and he told him the MRI showed everything was fine and he would see him in 4 months. Thank you God... I got a good night sleep finally and up and ready to get on the road at 8:30! Of course, I was the only one up! Kenny had eggs and my left over "Fillet" for breakfast! We got on the road about 10:30 (after a stop at Burger King for me (Ham Crossiant) - I have to up a few hours before I can eat! It was a nice trip and only took about 4 hours. We arrived and the condo is great. But the greatest part is the balconey overlooking the ocean - we have the door open and listening to the waves right now! Great breeze and very comfortable. We're on the 3rd floor and no elevator but that's ok because the view is worth it. We took the girls on the beach and they are going to love this trip! We went to a local grocery and got a few things. I forget to say mother went up to Beechwood Farms and got us a 25 lb box of tomatos! We had BLT's tonight and yum yum. Another walk on the Beach and tomorrow will be the first real whole day of vacation! Will post pics later but for now - WE'RE ON THE BEACH!!!!!!

Wonderful Tomato Salad

Thick Slice Tomato - Beef Steak are the best
Layer slice red onions
Feta Cheese (with tomato and basil is good)
Top with sliced Black Olived
Drizzle Dressing of Olive Oil, Red Wine Vinegar and Oregano

Best of My Day: First sight of the ocean!!!


Christy said...

Mmmmm. That sounds delicious!

60ish and Glad said...

Well now...I just better get me a blog so I can write my recipes...problem is - I do 'em up in the kitchen and by the time we eat it I have forgotten what I did.

Enjoy your vacation time~