Sunday, September 30, 2007

Another Childhood Myrtle Beach Story

I have to go back a couple of days and talk about "Oliver's Lodge". This is a place (an old house) in Murell's Inlet where as a small child my Daddy would take us to eat. It began in 1910 as a boarding house with family style meals for the shrimpers and has survived all these years to become a legend. As a child we would make the trek all the down to in inlet (I always dreaded this as it took time away from the beach) AND I did not eat fish! But they have THE best hushpuppies in the entire world. The story is that from the first time (1955) we went to Oliver's Lodge is (according to my Mother) that I would eat all the hush puppies and then ask for more. By the time we left, I had my little pocket book full of these delicious hush puppies!!!! As we went back many years I learned to love seafood and I finally got to return and take Kenny. My surprise was the Will Allverez (my wonderful guitar player had made reservations and had a gift certificate for Kenny and I for my birthday. We enjoyed the meal (the best) and I enjoyed going back in time when Mother and Daddy and I (and Sugar too, the dog) would wait under the live oak trees with the hanging moss for 2 hours to get in. It's funny how something as child you thought interuputed your life has become one of your favorite memories. Just goes to show never let go of all the good times. PS> I did not fill my purse with hush puppies but we ate every one of them......

1 comment:

60ish and Glad said...

Where is all this memory from? Myrtle Beach? It looks so relaxing. You kow - I love hush puppies!