Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Plein Air Painting in Columbus

Cool shot of me and Dehra on stage...
Shane dancing on Stage with me at Belloo's - fuzzy but "painterly"....

This is what they painted on Sunday (without our little Brock in the piciture - he's so cute)

Shane and Marghe painting on Sunday

This is what we were painting - Beautiful and look at the clouds!

Ron and Neely painting on the River Walk

Wow - what fun we had this weekend. I've been too busy and too exhausted to even post about it. We had great crowds at Belloo's and on Saturday I got my tired butt up and went to the River Walk to Plein Air paint with Shane, Matt, Marghe, Neely and Ron. I have never done this and it is amazing. It was also HOT! They got to paint longer than I did - I DID have to sleep people but I was pleased with what I did with the time I had. I did leave my painting in Columbus because it was so wet but plan to finish it later. And I forgot to take picture of it. The whole group came to the club on saturday night and we had a ball. They painted again on Sunday but I was so tired I didn't but we went down and watched them some in the gardens. I would love to be able to this more often but most of the time they paint on the weekends which is almost impossible for me to do. It's wednesday and I'm just now feeling normal. Of course, I had art on Monday night, then had to unpack, clean up, do errands and grocery shop yesterday. Guess what I'm doing today......NOTHING! Well, almost - I'm going to cook a nice dinner for me and Kenny but we are supposed to have bad storms this afternoon too. I just need a "down day" of sorts. I do love Plein Air painting and going to put that on my I must do more of list.....

OOH, and my Tomato's are growing!!!! Kenny has decided to call it my "down under" garden - like Austria!!


Christy said...

Oh what fun!
Enjoy your down day, though. You sure do need it!

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

It looks beautiful there, sorry you didn't get to paint more. I was having the oil changed in my car today and ran in to a desert gardener. He had me order a book called Extreme Gardening and says he grows a full garden 7 months out of the year here. I am so excited. Wish me luck!!!

60ish and Glad said...

Love the down under garden! And the painting. How come all those folks can paint and I can't?