Sunday, May 17, 2009

Lots and Lots of Rain

To think 2 years ago we had NO rain at all and now it's very very green around here. I love it and my garden loves it too. It does hurt business on the weekends when there are thunderstorms right when we are going to work - I don't know why people won't come out - it's not like they will melt or anything. But we had a decent friday night at Belloo's then a really bang up Saturday night. Musically, it had it's magic moments too. We love having Larry back on Sax - he is so good. Dehra and I worked our butts off last night too but it was worth it. Believe me, baby, there ain't nothing like applause! Of course, I'm zapped tonight but we did get home in time to see the final "Desperate Housewives" and after Tuesday of Idol it will be not so much TV for me. I do not like re-runs and will have more time for my other stuff. The only thing is that's when I do my knitting while watching TV - maybe I'll just take my knitting down in the swing in my Secret Garden - now that sounds peaceful - except I remember that anytime we are in the back yard I have to constantly throw the "Blue Elephant" for Matilda. Tatiana likes to swing with me but the other day I was swinging with her and talking to my Mother on the phone. I guess I swang too hard because she threw up all over! Poor baby. Well, off and running for another week - art class tomorrow night then I need to clean out my art studio and get it organized for the summer. And I do need to Paint this week. I have almost no cigar box paintings and need to start on a wedding present painting for august. So now some much needed sleep and hope everyone has a good night sleep too!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yeah...knitting and TV go well together, but so do knitting and cool weather. It's definitely easier to get knitting done in the fall and winter.
But knitting on the swing. That sounds enticing :)