Friday, May 29, 2009

My Garden

Well, it's growing a little bit. I love my "upside down" garden. The tomatoe's are doing fine but I broke my little pepper plant trying to tie it. Maybe it will survive! And the cucumber seems to be growing too (I have a lot of those in my container garden). And the green beans in the containers are getting very big - I don't know if they will bear because I have too many - I hope so! I need more pots....and we should have enough lettuce next week for a salad - Yum. We have an old receipe for "Granny Salad" - my Daddy's grandmother used to make it in Virginia. It's leaf lettuce, sliced green onions and I add tomatoes. The dressing is the best part....and no, there are no measurements......Duke's Mayo, Cider Vinegar and Sugar (I use splenda) - mix it up and stick you finger in it to taste - it should be sweet with a tang! It's wonderful..... And of course, Matilda had to play throw the Blue Elephant until she got thirsty -and I got a video of it! Tatiana is still a little sickly but better. She ate some today and is perky but still has a little poo-poo problem. We are giving her medicine and hope it will all be over tomorrow. It's off to Columbus and they say no rain this weekend - wow, it's rained every time we have been to Columbus since April! It's almost 2:30 and I have to take a pill and try to get some sleep. Oh, one more note - we watched Jay Leno tonight - tomorrow is his last night doing the Tonight Show. 17 years ago we were in Las Vegas and rushed back to watch the last show of Johnny Carson. I cried because we thought this is such the end of an era and I had grown up watching him. Now, we have another era ending with Jay Leno! I think we are getting old!!


Christy said...

Cute video - love that puppers :)
Thanks for posting pictures of your garden. It looks great. Ours is hanging in there, but the moisture has really given us a lot of powdery mildew and root rot. Our cuke is blooming a lot, but no baby cukes. I found one tiny one just a few minutes ago. It's a start, I guess :)

claibornes corner said...

the cukes won't be there one day and all of a sudden you will find tons of them - hang in there!!

60ish and Glad said...

Oh my, I am behind in my reading. I didn't know you had a sick pup. Hope she didn't eat an eyeball! Keep us informed.

We have a very large tomato vine. Rich green, thick, leafy and two little tomotatos that won't grow.