Thursday, May 14, 2009

Ice Pack Night

I know my rotater cuff surgery was a success but that does not mean it can't get really sore. Kenny and I worked in the yard yesterday and I planted a lot of stuff. But today I decided it was very cool and I would try and seperate my Hosta's and plant some more. Who ever said you could do it with a butcher knife does not live in Ga. with red clay! I had to take a maddox and swing hard - a lot. But I got about 10 more hosta's in the ground. Then I dug a little row on the side of the house - with the maddox - and planted Kenny's cantelope seeds. We'll see if they grow in red clay. I know my squash did there but there's too many weeds and I just can't handle the weeding anymore. Everything looks real nice but it's ice pack time for my shoudler! No telling what pains I will wake up to tomorrow. After watching AI - yeah Adam - I started my "Loop Scarf" and finished it before the news was over. I LOVE it. I did it on my Speed Stix using the same yarn for Mother's throw. It looks great on - I'll have to take pics later and I'm starting a matching pair of wrist warmers to match. I have a lovely older lady in Columbus that comes to see me every time and I'm thinking that would make a nice Christmas present for her. She loves to dress up and it's very classy. I also finished a pair of red WW with a grey and red cuff last night with no mistakes!! Whoopee - I sure need to learn how to do increase/decrease and something about knit over....I'll stick with the basics for now - until I can get another lesson from Christy or Doc. I'm wanting to make hats soooo much but that will have to wait too. Wow, tomorrow is Thursday already and it's packing time for Columbus again. The weather here is amazing - very cool. Sorry Florida folks but at least you are getting some rain and I'm going to enjoy this coolness while I can....


Christy said...

Wish it was cool here :( Hope you post photos of all your gardening pursuits! I'd love to see all your pretties.

60ish and Glad said...

Yes - we are finally getting some rain. All of it we missed in one hour!