Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Mother's do on Mother's Day

My sweet mother gave me flowers on Mother's Day. Not only that we planted them in planters together for me to bring home. We both love our flowers just like her Mother did. She did love her lap blanket I knitted for her and we had a great dinner at home. Daddy is really not doing well so we ate at home this year. Kenny and I were so tired it was great just to sit down at Mother's table and enjoy being with them. My mother is so active and if you wonder where I get most of this "creative" thing from, it's her. She has always done the most amazing things: sews, cooks, bakes like crazy, decorating, gardening, and full of wonderful idea's and things to make. We always made things together. And of course, she loves to clean house (that part I do not like AT ALL!) She has made my life very very special and of course, I love her but there's just so much more than that. I think maybe only Mother's and Daughter's understand that bond so I'm glad there is a Mother's Day just to say Thank You. So I thank my Mother for all she has done for me, taught me, and nagged me into doing - yes, Mother I pick up my living room every night, put the pillows back on the couch right so that when you get up the next morning it's a nice sight!!! So I brought my flowers home and they are on my Deck and she also got me a white summer hat to garden in and white socks (which I will not garden in - that's why she always buys me white socks because she knows by next year they will never be white again.)! My really sweet husband on the other hand did nothing for Mother's Day which he was reminded that I AM TOO a mother to two beautiful Yorkie there. - (I don't think he will forget again.)

1 comment:

Christy said...

What a nice way to celebrate - planting something together :)