Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finally Home a Whole Week!

We did stay over in Columbus on Sunday night and came home Monday but we are "in town" for a week and I'm very much ready for it. I cleaned house today (the dreaded work I hate) and cooked a nice dinner. I knitted a little and and had a another ah-ha moment - that's the way I feel when I figure something out in my knitting! I'm sure a beginner still but I'm going to go spend the afternoon with my Dear Friend "Doc" and she has been knitting for a long time so maybe she can show me a few things. We are getting lots of rain and you won't hear me complain - the news says we are basically out of the drought and our lakes are up - great news. And it's still cool and that's fine with me too! The heat will be here too soon. Oh, but gardening time will be to and I do look so forward to that. I hope to have a "painting day" tomorrow, then Thursday with my friend and back to Beluga on Friday - Yeah!


Christy said...

It's a nice feeling - home :)

60ish and Glad said...

Show Doc Christy's work...soon you will be able to show her that red shawl. It is so beautiful.