Monday, April 20, 2009

Drum Roll Please..........

Yeah I LOVE LOVE LOVE my red scarf that my wonderful neice Christy knitted for me. Her husband Chris delivered it to me last week on his way thru Georgia. I am trying to learn to knit and so far all I can do are Wrist Warmers and trying to do them without any mistakes! Christy's work is beautiful and this scarf is so special to me. See, when I married her "Uncle Kenny" 20 years ago I though oh great a bunch of kids as I was not used to being around any kids much. When I met little Christy - I think she was about 12 - I love her at first site. I think I saw just a "tiny" bit of me in her except she was much sweeter than me. I remember the first summer after we married we took a trip back to his parents then going on to my parents. We "decorated" T-shirts that summer in Horse Shoe Bend and thus the "creative Crafting" begun! I also tried to make something for her at Christmas - once I made 13 Teddy Bears - how did I do that giging 6 nights a week in Las Vegas???? I'm not going to write a book but now with two precious children of her own she is so talented and creative and I wish we lived closer so we could do it together. I'm so proud of her. Another reason I love the scarf is because those beautiful little beads you see knitted in came from Kenny's Grandmother Carol's sewing box. How cool is that? I just wanted to thank her so much and know I will treasure my scarf always expecially since I doubt I will ever get good enough to do one like it! See what those T-shirts started!!!!


Christy said...

I am so glad you love it! It's been such a wonderful thing to have a woman in my life, as I've grown, that understands my creative compulsions. I loved you at first sight too :) How could I not? All that red lipstick and glamour!

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

I love your hair like that. It is so cute. I am trying to grow mine out and it's driving me crazy. Love the scarf also!!

60ish and Glad said...

How great is that. The beads are very special - I love her little sewing box goodies that stood dormant like a little time capsule waiting to delight us all. Red is definitely your color!