Friday, March 27, 2009

It's been a long 2 weeks!

Sand Cranes at Mom Trinklein's house in Florida
Friends in Columbus had the Band for a Bar-B-Que and this is their Dog - Lassie - yest that's her name and the sweetest dog ever!!

I got to have a short visit with my friend Debi, Maggie and Adam and Jerry!!

Loved Loved Loved that....

My knitted "Cuffs"

I know I haven't posted but I'm still getting over the last two weeks. Working and a trip to Florida to see the family has totally worn me out. I wandered around the house today looking for something to do and just decided to take a nap instead! I did not even paint at all this week which really bums me out - I just don't have the creative energy. I did cut the grass for the first time this year and the yard looked so pretty - of course, it's rained for 2 days and going to rain for 2 more now so I'm glad I got that done. I do love to ride my tractor and cut the grass. It's such a peaceful time for me! And especially nice when it's not 100 degrees. Then I took an afternoon in my wood shop and built 3 bird feeders and 1 bird house and THAT I loved. I miss working in the shop and need to do more of that. Got all the laundry done (even Kenny's) and I never do that! Of course, I watched American Idol and think everyone should just go on home and let Adam sing all the songs!!! I've just piddled this week and I guess that's not a bad thing. We're going back to Columbus tomorrow for the weekend and then I get to stay home for 2 weeks and work Beluga. We are supposed to have major rain this weekend and that's alright too because we need it so bad. I just don't like it raining in Columbus. I'm posting some random pictures I've been taking and promise to post more often!!! Oh, Christy, I found the nice Bamboo yarn at Micheal's for $5.00 - Duh - Made several little face cloths - and I learned how to K2 P2 today - making a wrist warmer but had to "frog it" 3 times - I get the rows mixed up but I've started another one. I need to know how to fix it without tearing out the whole thing!

Best of My Day.......A Nap

1 comment:

Christy said...

So good that you're getting rain - wish we had some too!
I'm glad you found that yarn - keep knittin' girl. I don't know without seeing the project whether it's fixable without can sometimes just un-do the stitches one by one if the mistake is only a few rows back...