Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Whoopie Hotdog Woo-Hoo

I finished my first knitted "Wrist Warmer" that had NO mistakes in it! Only one so I have to do the other one but that makes me proud. I mean I didn't have to tear anything out! Hope I can do it again and will take pictures later. The afternoon about 1pm Kenny said Claiborne look outside and it was snowing like crazy - it only lasted about 10 minutes but we had "Snow in April"! Tonight is supposed to be the coldest then it's back to the 60's of april. Oh well, it was fun! It's very very late so nite nite....


Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

You are now quite the accomplished knitter. There was quite a knitting craze here some years ago but everyone was knitting X rated Wee Wee Warmers (ha)

Christy said...
