Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Catching up

This is how you get your post holes for your garden dug - you promise a steak and beer!!
Chris and Kenny digging up Georgia Red Clay.....

I think I'm finally catching up this week. I took some much needed down time today - well, a little bit. Our nephew Chris from Florida has been working in this area so he spent a couple of nights with us and it was so nice. We just had dinner and visited a bit while I watch American Idol - can't beleive I put him though that! It was Movie Theme night and of course I haven't seen any movies since forever so Chris had to tell me which movie they were from! Didn't matter - Adam is still the BEST! And I did know his song "Born to be Wild" - Duh! And I think I saw a little smile on Chris's face as he watched me knitting VERY VERY slowly! He's so used to Miss Fast Fingers Christy that I think he got a kick out of slow Nana. But I did finish another pair of Wrist Warmers with no Mistakes. I think I will invent a new symbol for knitting - wnm...with no mistakes beacuse that's how I am knitting now - if I make a boo boo I frog it! No sense in having bad stuff. We didn't hear him at all this morning at 6:30 - but Matilda woke me up at 9 and in a sleep walk I let her out. She HAS to go check to make sure there are no squirrels in the bird feeder. She's obsessed with this but it's too damn early. I did go back to sleep for a while and had a nice morning time to myself. Kenny went out to the office for a while so I go down stairs and try to dig my post hole for my upside down garden. I did really well, (honest) and dug about 1 1/2 foot hole. Well, I had to sit down and have a cigarette on the swing. Then I cut and nailed my 2 x 4 together at 8 feet. Now these are old 2 x 4 and warped so they are not even at all. And all the time I would get one nail in and Matilda would bring her Blue Elephant in and I would have to put everything down and go throw it in the yard. Needless to say it took a while to get all the boards ready. Then it started to get really cold so I decided to come in and knit a little. THEN I got really sleepy and laid down on the couch and sure enough here comes Chris! He probably thought I laid on the couch and watched soaps all day! Kenny got here shortly and I took the boys down to show them my hole. Chris just grinned that grin and said it's going to be wobbly! The hole has to be 2 feet. So Mr. NO yard man Kenny took the post hole digger and said oh, you've hit rock. I thought that was the end of my garden but Chris poked his finger in said nope it's just hard dirt. Evenually they both got my hole dug so I said fine - I'm going to go cook the "steaks" while you two dig my other hole! Was that good or what! When I brought my posts out Chris did ask me if I had been drinking when I nailed them together? NO they are warped! So, now I have my holes dug and when I'll get Kenny to help me get them up I don't know when - hopefully this weekend. We may have tomatoes by September! Of course, I'll plant my container garden - this is just something I want to try. I did cook the steaks and we had a nice dinner, watched the results show of AI (Adam was safe) and I knitted. Except this time I had to frog two things - I can't talk and knit. I think Kenny just said he loved my knitting!!! So I did get something accomplished today plus had a little rest. Let's see what tomorrow may bring!!


60ish and Glad said...

Ha! This whole thing is very funny! Looks like in the photo Chris is doing the digging and Kenny the supervising. Enjoy your swing and your cig....and your pole and your upside down garden . My one poor tomato blew over.

Christy said...

Wow! That guy in the red shirt is really hot ;)
It sounds like you guys have had lots of fun over the last couple of days. And, BTW, me coming up to knit for a couple of days sounds absolutely fabulous!