Monday, September 15, 2008

Cold Front

Finally Finally Finally - it's cooler tonight - it was hot and muggy today but Matilda wanted to go outside and play about 6:30 so I took her and Tatiana in the back. It was very nice and sprinkling a little rain. So hoping I had enough gas to finish I cut the yard. It was wonderful riding and feeling the cool breeze in my face. I did have enough gas so I got the front yard done too. Kenny has been working all day in his office and he saw me out the front so when I came to the back yard he had the little mower out! He said what a great idea. He surprised me more by saying let's go have pizza and our wonderful new pizza place. We had a nice dinner then walked around the new outdoor mall right up from our house. There are fountains and brick walkways and very high end stores so I just window shopped! On to Walmart (to shop) - for a few things. When we came out of WW is was raining - oooooh I love it. But when we got home not a drop so we threw open the windows and turned on the attic fan. This is wonderful. Hurrah for fall.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Yay! I'm so jealous! But I'll live vicariously through your enjoyment...
I love how that first burst of cool air can be so energizing and make you just want to go out and do something :)