Monday, February 11, 2008

Monday Monday

A song by the Mama's and Papa's - no one may remember it - oh, that makes me feel old - that and the pain in my leg and knee. I've worn a knee brace all weekend and performed in my high heels with the brace on and now I'm paying for it. My whole leg hurts now. Enjoy the dance while you can and kick your legs up high because some day it will hurt like hell! We had a nice weekend in Columbus and got home late Sunday night. Monday's are hard because the weekend hits me and I'm sleepy all day. But I did get all my laundry done and unpacked and my house put back together so that I can paint tomorrow. I even had Pat give me a B-12 shot in the butt so maybe I'll get some energy back. I'm going to get one every 2 weeks when we go to Columbus. Matilda and Tatiana played in the back yard today, then came in and took a nap in the bed - oh, to be a dog!!! There's really no more news so I'm going to bed with my book and read til 4 am!!!

Best of My Day: Cuddling with the girls and almost taking a nap with them except the dryer buzzer went off!!!

1 comment:

60ish and Glad said...

You and Bill have knee issues, We didn't go to dancing tonight. Poor Bill. Hope all is well