Thursday, February 14, 2008

A Cold Winter Day!!!

"Lauren's Straw Hat"

"Joe's Brandy and Cigar"

Wow - the wind blowing and bending the trees as the temperature drops - just what I like except with snow! A few flurries today but that's all and going to be in the 50's tomorrow. So I put on double shirts, sweats, socks and took a heater to my studio and painted! It was a good day and I finished 2 paintings and started another one. I'm painting a Martini for the Cancer Gala in Columbus - it's the contribution from me and Belloo's Martini Bar so it had to be a Martini! I am painting this in honor of Kathy Morrow. Of course, Tatiana was snuggled in the Baby Bed (always when I paint) and Matilda wanted me to go outside and throw her "monkey"!! I kept telling her it was tooooo cold so she would bring it me in the studio for me to throw for her. She finally got tired and got in her little baby bed for a nap and I covered her up with a sweat shirt. We came up around 6 and I made a wonderful chicken corn chowder for dinner - just made up the receipe and it turned out great! Went back to the studio while Kenny went to the gym and did some more work then came up and had a wonderful fire in the fireplace. Before long the fire will be off and the air conditioning on so believe me I'm loving this. My knee is still really bad - not sure how to do this weekend except in PAIN! Tomorrow it's "Root" day as in Dye this Grey Hair out! And I'm trying to figure out a "photo box" for my studio to take still life shots. I have an idea and I have some black velvet so I may work on that tomorrow. I'm into still lifes right now and need to set up my own work. Ooh, I made have to build something in my shop - yeah! Well, here are the paintings.....

Best of My Day: A warm bowl of home made soup by the fire watching American Idol!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

I do wish you would send us a bit of that weather :) Sounds divine! Kiss the girls for Kiki!