Thursday, November 20, 2008

Second Shot

I got the Second of my series of lubrication shots today and it hurt like hell. I could not hardly walk out of the Doc's office. But after the shock of the pain wore off it got a little better and I got a few more Christmas things done before I headed home. It's supposed to really cold and windy tomorrow and I'm going to stay and get ready for the weekend. (dye hair, do nails, etc)! Now we're out 2 weekends at Beluga in December so that's gonna hurt. I just wonder when and where all this will stop. There are so many people losing their jobs I'm just glad right now we have some weekends. We haven't had a weekend off in over a year so it's going to feel weird. I guess I get some painting done. What would really be nice is if it snowed on the weekend we were off - it would at least feel like a holiday! I need to wrap some presents tomorrow too but I don't have my name tags. I always use my Christmas painting to make my tags and my new printer is broken! But Kenny talked to Epson and they are sending me a new one but it won't be here until sometime next week (I hope). I may try and use Kenny's to get them done. What did we do without printers? I had to hand write my grocery list - Yikes! Everyone have a good weekend and we're looking forward to the Florida Family to arrive on Tuesday (cold weather awaiting you!!!!)


Christy said...

Yay! We're looking forward to it too!!

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

The shots sound awful. I hope you don't have to take them much longer. Mine is so much better and all it took was getting off my butt, who knew?

60ish and Glad said...

I agree with the shot things. I can handle them in the neck, elbow and hip but the knee sounds to tender to me. We are all looking forward to the trip. Poor ebbie got her little mustache full of cock-a-burs. I tried and tried to take them out...but to no avail. I trimmed them out and now she looks like a silly ragamuffin. So Monday she goes to her hair dresser! I bought her a sweater because she will definitely be cold.