Monday, November 10, 2008

Back to Art Class

" Walking Thru Life"
50 years
9 x 12 Oil on Canvas
This was the last group until after Thanksgiving so I was so glad to get there. There is something about being around other artists that is amazing and inspiring. I wish I could do it more often. I wanted to do this small painting for my friends Donna and James in Columbus. They are our most loyal fans at Belloo's - I don't they have ever missed a night when we are playing there. They celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in October and we were not able to attend their party. I wanted to do something that would represent their 50 years of marriage so I thought about a winding path thru the fall woods. I thought it says 50 years of walking the path of life and all the while, holding hands. I hope they like it and hope they have many many more. I also have an appointment with Dr A the knee surgeon tomorrow so we'll see what he has to say about my knee. This is absolutely miserable not being able to walk without pain. And sometimes just the ache is horrible. Not to mention I could not wear my 4" heels this weekend - now you know it hurts if I can't to that. I hope it's not torn again - I really think I overdid it last week and of course, have only had one day to stay off my knee. And I know he going to say I have to ride that dreaded stationery bike. I would love to ride my Trike but it's at my mothers and there are too may hills around here anyway. I'm tired tonight -Matilda woke me up early this morning - so I'm going to try and read for a bit and sleep for a long while......

Find of the Day: A $10.00 filing cabinet at the thrift store for Kenny! It's in good shape and he needs one real bad!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful gift and a beautiful tribute to a couple who
share so many memories... You are
a special friend as we all know!
Good luck at the Doc's today.
Deb, Maggie, Adam & Jeremiah

Christy said...

So sweet!
And you are one hot Nana, four-inchers or not.