Thursday, November 20, 2008

Can't stop to even write!

Way too busy! But I did want to post that after my first shot (and not wearing the total 4 inch heels) my knee is a little better. I get my second shot tomorrow so we'll see after the Beluga weekend how it goes. I went home to SC on Monday and had a great visit with Mother and Daddy. Nothing like my Mother's homemade chicken and dumplings!!! It was the first real cold night (in the 20's) and thank goodness I get to sleep in the living room on the fold out because Daddy keeps the house so hot! I kept the door closed and the vent closed and I wasn't cold at all. Bless his heart he's so thin and I guess at 95 you just get cold! Mother and I did her Christmas shopping on Tuesday and boy was I tired then. Drove home and had to unpack from Columbus and SC and fell into bed. I got up this morning and set out to do some grocery shopping for Thanksgiving and wrapping paper! I got home and made a ton of spaghetti sauce for next week and to have some in the freezer. And did 4 loads of laundry, cooked dinner, had to clean up the mess and re-arranged the living room furniture. NOW my whole leg hurts! It's going to be another cold day - yeah - and I'm to finish my little Christmas shopping for Mom and Dad T - get my shot and come home to Thursday TV night! We do have Beluga this weekend but like everything else business is down and we have had some dates cut in December which is a real bummer but we do have the Country Club gig for New Year's - I'm sure glad some folks still have money! It's going to be a slim Christmas and tough year but we're together and grateful or what we have - especially our babies Tatiana and Matilda and our families. Got to get some rest because it's up and start over running tomorrow - I'll rest in January!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oh goodness! I'd been wondering where you were :)