Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Set Up

Well, it's not done but Pat and I worked until 3 am hanging paintings at the club. He had put me on some very strong anti-biotics and given me a B-12 shot. I am so tired and still sick but the "Show must Go On"! I thought I would come home and sleep but nooooooooooo - I got up 3 times to smoke a cig, drink a glass of milk (after I had drank a big glass of Scotch thinking it would let me go to sleep), played solitare, and finally at 6am took a xanax! I was up by 10:30! I've got to go back to the club by 1 - finish arranging everything - then back to the house, dressed and "make-uped" and back to the club by 6 for the art show! I hope I stay on my feet "high heels" tonight! Kenny hasn't left Atlanta yet (he's trying but he's always late) - is that a "Trinklein" thing? Now, the bright side I'm sitting on the deck with a sweat shirt and hat drinking my tea on this beautiful autumn day - things are looking up already. And just think - after tonight I have to dress up like Mrs. Santa Claus and do two shows tomorrow night AND Saturday night! I'll make it - I'll just click my heels three times.........


60ish and Glad said...

Holy Moly -Slow down before you "ain't". We don't want to lose you early. Take a photo of the paintings hanging up.

Christy said...

Phew girl!
I know that's a lot - but I also know you'll have fun :)