Friday, October 24, 2008

Getting Ready

I'm busy framing paintings and printing brochures for the art show next Thursday. We got a hitch on the van today so I can haul a trailer (and a camper too, Kenny!) My friend came for a visit today and we had some nice girl time together. We have not seen each other in years so it was nice and I cooked a Crab Quiche. It's COLD (I love it) and going to rain tomorrow with the high of 52 - that is for Christy - and we turned the fire place on tonight for the first time. Love it, Love it, Love it! Tomorrow it's Beluga day - yikes that means do my roots and nails! Gotta go.....have a great weekend....

1 comment:

Christy said...

Oooohhhhh. 52 degrees sounds wonderful. I'm jealous! You have a good weekend too :) Sounds like the girl time and the fire and some yummy food fortified you for the weekend ahead.