Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tea in Fontaine Vaucluse, France

"Tea in France"
24 x 48
Oil on Canvas
Fontaine Vaucluse, France

On one of the best days of my life - a little town high in the mountains of France called Fontaine Vaucluse - we were winding down the day with a cup of tea. This was one of the most beautiful villages we visited in France. It is the home of a wonderful place where very very nice paper is made and we saw how they did this with a water wheel. I also watched an artist in her studio paint Poppies with a palette knife which inspired my love of painting Poppies. Kenny and I had a picnic on the river and just a lazy day in this wonderful town. Eight years later (almost to the day) I finished this painting. This photo was taken in 2000 on my 50th Birthday trip to France. I think it captures the peace and contentment of the day. It was one of the best!! I think I'm keeping this one! In the photo of the village we were sitting in the restaurant on the left! And I do remember the waiter being very "French" Handsome - I think I asked Kenny if I could bring him home but he said no! Ha Ha ......


Christy said...

OH - that has to be one of my favorites yet! It's beautiful - it's so very...even (if that makes sense at all - you know....consistent, colorwise and perspective-wise and all the other wises) and it's so serene.
And, well, tea in France? What could be better?!

60ish and Glad said...

8 years ago??? - EIGHT YEARS AGO!!! I do not know which is more phenomenal...that you remember 8 years ago or that the time went by so fast. It is definitely beautiful.