Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Christmas is right around the Corner

"We been good, Santa"

I haven't bought any presents, or made any crafts but I did finish my Christmas Card painting tonight! I know some of you will get to see this before I send out Christmas Cards but I just can't wait to post it. This is always such an accomplishment every year for me so I'm just excited. This is the fifth Oil Painting in my series. I can't wait to hang them all in the dining room! I love painting the babies and Matilda and Tatiana look very sweet this year. Of course, they are whispering to Santa what they want in their stocking! I haven't written the poem yet but it will come as I look at the picture. We did not get to go camping - Kenny has a ton of phone calls (wall street) and his Desk Top crashed so he was pretty stressed out. I said let's wait until we can go and relax so instead I went to Art Class which is a good thing. It's supposed to rain on Wednesday too so we would have been packing up in the rain. I think we'll wait until the time is right - of course, now I've got to unpack everything! And then repack for Columbus this weekend. I'm living out of a suitcase again (well, several suitcases)! It was wonderful to get back to my Art Group and see old friends. Jill brought me a lovely little flower arrangement that is on my night stand for my Birthday (YES, I'm STILL celebrating my 58th) HA. I worked so hard at Beluga this weekend I could not get out of bed on Sunday until 4 pm - my body is just really tired. So I guess tomorrow I'll unpack and do laundry! But this is always a very important day when I finish my Christmas Card so I have had a good one!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Precious, precious, precious!!! I think this is my favorite one yet!