Thursday, October 9, 2008

Night Line

I'm watching one of my favorites- Night Line. There was a wonderful piece on "Robin" from Good Mornng America and her journey with Breast Cancer. I know it's Breast Cancer Awareness Month and so many people are affected by this. My heart is still heavy after all these years and I miss Kathy M. so much. As I watched Robin tell her story I remembered Kathy describing some of the same things and I wish I could have been there thru the whole process with her. Sadly, I was there mostly at the end. Robin went into the whole "I'm losing my Hair" Thing. Kathy did this and so many people don't understand it - I know I didn't at the time either. She had to take Chemo agan and didn't want to because she would loose her hair. I talked and talked and finally said Iwas coming home from Vegas and if she would pick me up at the airport I would be the one getting off the plane with a shaved head. She did the Chemo! Oh, how I wish if all I had to do was shave my head and see her meeting me with a smile. Don't forget to get your mamagrams.......I must cry a little now......


Christy said...

such an important message!

60ish and Glad said...

That was beautiful my sister!