Thursday, March 27, 2008

Getting ready for the weekend

"Little Birdie"
Oil on Cigar Box

Poppy Field Village
Oil on Cigar Box

I really had plans for today but I think I "over did it" a little yesterday! It felt so good to get out of the house, then I came home, made dinner, then went to my studio and painted until after 1 am. So today I didn't feel great and I was going to paint but just couldn't get into it. So I did some stuff upstairs, printing and planning. My friend Sandy came over after work and we met Kenny at BiBa's for a lovely dinner. She visited for a while then drove home. I think I'm ready for tomorrow night - it's going to be hard not to "Dance"! I did find out today I sold 3 paintings at the Enable Gala so looking forward to that check! And Shane now wants two paintings for the show he is doing. He is having an open art class on Sunday afternoon and it may kill me but I AM going. I probably won't be there at one in the afternoon - DUH - but I'll get in a little painting time. So it's going to be a very long weekend but I'm looking forward to it! Oh, yesterday it was so nice and I had the doors open and of course a little bird flew in - I chased it around for a while with a broom - well, hobbled around - and it kept flying all over the place with Tatiana and Matilda chasing it too. Poor Birdie. He finally flew into the laundry room and I closed the door really fast. There was a blanket on the washer so I threw it over the little bird, took him out on the deck and let him go. It was a great feeling! I'm sure it was for the little birdie too! I did finish a couple more cigar boxes - I love doing these but I've got to get back to some big canvas painting!

Best of My Day: Holding the little birdie in the blanket and freeing him back to the skies....


mindy said...

congrats on the sale of your paintings! love the cigar box paintings, by the way....especially the little bird!

Christy said...

I had a little bird fly into my bedroom once. Poor thing. It took us forever, but we managed to shoo him back outside. I agree - that's a very good feeling :)