Thursday, March 6, 2008

Bath Day and Packing for Columbus

Our bird feeder right outside the kitchen window - we love it!
My beautiful girls.....

This is a "morning after" picture of a great St. Paddy's Day Party!

It was a beautiful day - 70 degrees and sunny. Now, tomorrow is suposed to be really rainy and cold - I love spring in Atlanta - one day spring and the next may be snow!! I feel a little better - getting over my "bad" day but still in pain. I haven't even attemped to paint any more this week - I'll start over next week after my MRI. So bath time for the girls and they both hid as soon as I get the shampoo and towels out. I had to go with the "Trick" - which means ringing the doorbell! They both came running out and I grabbed Tatiana. If I don't bathe her first she will realize what I'm doing and hide under the bed for hours! I don't know why because they feel so good after the bath. I groomed them on the deck which is nice because that means no mess in the house. We put our "St Patrick's Day" bows in and they look very festive! We're going to Columbus tomorrow and celebrating Brock's 5th birthday on saturday. That is Pat's son and we got him bunches of "trucks" - it should be a lot of fun. I did finally get my nails put back on yesterday and they look so nice. "Bright Red, of course". I tried to go without them but my nails just won't grow and my hands are ugly - so I figure I cut my own hair, color my own hair so I deserve the nails! Kenny got his Desktop Computer this week and he's setting it up on my dining room table until he can clean off his desk - ha - I'm going to give him one week then I'm going to pitch a fit for him to move it. I know this man - he would leave it there for years! Another thing we enjoy every day is the bird feeder and all the little birdie's that come to snack! Well, it's time for a nice "read" in the bed and hopefully a good night's sleep - a great weekend to all....

Best of My Day: Grooming Tatiana and Matilda Mae - our "Bonding" time...

1 comment:

Christy said...

You totally deserve the nails, girl!