Friday, January 8, 2010

Oh how we love the SNOW!

tonight Matilda and Tatiana playing in the snow!
six years ago March 2nd - moving in and snowing with Chloe and Isabella

It came, it was beautiful falling, it barely covered the ground and now we have to get out of the driveway tomorrow and drive to Columbus for the gig at Belloo's! I enjoyed watching the snow so very much and sat in front of the fire and knitted today - and that's about all I did. Kenny is really sick and I'm not sure how he will get thru the weekend -The Show must go on......I did cook chicken wings and smashed potatoes, broccoli and baked apples for a late lunch and we sat at the table and watched the snow. It reminded us of 6 years ago on March 2nd when we moved in and it snowed. We sat at the same table eating fried chicken from Kroger and Chloe and Isabella were in their buggy! Wow - almost 6 years in this house. It's still my favorite house I've ever lived in but it sure is a lot to clean!! I did pack (at Midnight) so I'm ready for the trip. Tatiana and Matilda did NOT want to come in tonight - they love to play in the snow and they were chasing each other in the yard. I was too dark to video - maybe in the morning. It's all stopped now but what a wonderful little treat. I just hope Kenny gets better and I don't get it!
Oh, I did finish the second little tote bag for me so now Dehra and I have one each for the Gig! And I could see a mistake in my turtleback jacket so I frogged it and started over - much nicer now that I understand the pattern better.


Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

Glad to see you are back in the swing of things girl. I have missed knowing what's going on with you. Hope Kenny gets feeling better and you have a good weekend. Thinking of you.

Christy said...

Frogging isn't always a bad thing :) It usually helps me understand it better, too.