Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The Hardest Blog I'll ever Write

Richard Claiborne Hemphill
January 14th, 1913 - December 22, 2009

My Daddy
I know it's taking me a long time to post because it does not seem real yet. Daddy passed away on December 22, 2009 - it's hurts to even type that because I have to believe it. We are all so very very blessed that after his heart attack we had 1 month and 4 days of wonderful happy times with him and I'll be able to write about those later. I do know this that when someone passes away you don't have time to grieve at all. There's too much to do and too many people around you who really do care but it's all like you are walking in a dream. We had the Memorial Service on December 28th and interment that morning with part of his ashes. I do have the rest of his ashes and we are going to Fries, Virginia in the spring to scatter them in New River - also a few along his beloved Blue Ridge Parkway and Spring Valley Church where his mother is buried. That will be a hard trip but it will give me a lot of peace also. There are lots of memories I would like to write about and I might later. Daddy had been working on a book many years about Fries and the Fielder Family and I'm going to try and write the "last Chapter" to that so everyone can enjoy his writing about everything he loved. We are going back to SC next week to be with Mother and be there for his 97th birthday on January 14th. He had a very peaceful passing and again I am blessed but very very sad. My life will never be the same.....


Christy said...

It's so true that the grieving process begins later - after all the fuss. I'm so glad you have such a lovely plan for scattering his ashes in favorite places. I bet that will help and bring closure - when it's time. And nobody can tell you when it's "time," you just know when it's right for you. Hugs & kisses to you.

60ish and Glad said...

So glad you did this post. I know it was difficult. What a great photo of the two of you and the love you had is far more than most daughters ever experience with their Daddy's. How special is Dick Hemphill!

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

So glad to hear from you. I know it has been a hard time. Just know we love you and you are in our thoughts

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