Thursday, January 7, 2010

new Project

Well, I've started my new knitting project - a "Turtleback Jacket" - it's the only thing easy enough for me to start my "New Year" of learning more about knitting! It's going to take awhile and I think there may be some boo-boo's but I'm going to get this. I did make this little tote bag for Dehra and almost finished another one tonight for me. We can carry out little gig stuff - lipstick, cig and lighter and business cards in it. I love the charms I got to sew on them at Hobby Lobby. Just makes them a little different. I put a snap at the top too so everything won't fall out! I should have mine done by the weekend so we can carry them because it's going to SNOW tomorrow so I'll have time to finish mine. I love love love love love snow! It's only going to be about an inch but I know it will be beautiful and I'm charging my battery for my new camera tonight to get plenty of pictures. (of Yorkie's in the Snow) Ha Ha. I think maybe my Daddy is sending it to me from heaven because he knows how much I love snow! My poor Mother AND Kenny are sick with a very bad cold. She went to the Doctor today so she's got medicine and Kenny is taking some too. I actually made him homemade chicken, veggie, rice soup last night so that what he has eaten today. I can't believe I don't have it - but I still could get it. I'm telling you people - smoke, drink diet cokes and Scotch! Oh, and eat M&M's....I finally got all the laundry done, babies bathed and groomed and house cleaned (upstairs) so I took this afternoon and evening to finally sit down in front of the fire and knit. I'm still very tired but hope I don't get this cold. I'll enjoy the snow but we DO have to drive to Columbus on Friday so not too much will get on the roads I hope. We are going back home on Monday and I may have to be the "nurse" to Mother and Kenny and we all know what kind of nurse I am - not good!!! My heart still aches for my Daddy and you never know what will trigger it but it hurts so bad. But I know he's not tired anymore too. For all my Florida Folks stay warm down there and don't let the oranges freeze! Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow.....

1 comment:

Christy said...

Stay warm and enjoy the snow! We are staying warm as best as we can :) It gets pretty funny here as people pull out their sweaters and hats and mittens that are all mismatched and out-dated!
Had to pull all the oranges off my tree a little early to save them. They're not quite as sweet as I'd hoped, but at least I got 'em before Jack Frost did.