Monday, July 14, 2008

Summer Weather in Atlanta

Hot, Sticky, Muggy and singing in a nightclub with not very good air conditioning! I was soaked to the bone last night at Beluga. It was so hot and muggy. And Lauren and I worked out booties off too! Great crowd, lots of friends and regulars showed up and completely worn out. Then today on Sunday we got around 2 inches of rain. This is the most rain we have ever gotten without there being a tropical storm! It was lovely to watch but still very muggy but at least it looked like a cold rainy November day - ah - can't wait! I hope I can get some more painting done this week too, I was pretty inspired last week and still need to finish a couple of the paintings. We have decided to take our "break" this year in October - now, where to go and how FAR to go? Of course, I still want so so so bad to go to Cape Cod but I mapquested and it's 1100 miles - that a long way on $4 gas - now I'm thinking still the ocean but more like savannah area. We could go back to the Myrtle Beach Condo but you know I love to try different places. So the search begins. And I think I came up with an idea for my Christmas Card but that's still in the early early "thinking" stages. The rain was wonderful and peaceful. Sure wish I were in Boston with Christy and Andrew!!!!


60ish and Glad said...

This morning I got up and I know it is summer finally. THe morning air is a damp 85 degrees. I wish I were in Boston too. Emma's art camp is fun but she told me last night that nobody there teaches like my nana!

Christy said...

Hee hee! We'd all have so much fun here together. There are galleries just everywhere and seemingly endless bits of inspiration.