Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Coming back to Life

This is for Christy - loved them so much got them in purple and black! Now, I have to buy an outfit for the purple ones!!!!

It seems to take longer and longer to re-cupe from a weekend. Late nights, not enough sleep, lots of scotch, and heat heat heat - Yuk...But I'm back and thank God for Housekeepers - the house is clean, laundry done, grocery shopped, chicken cooked for puppies and I painted today! I had worked on some canvas last week so I started more cigar boxes today. When I got to Columbus on Friday all my boxes had sold so that was great news. The "cigar box" money is my play money and boy do I enjoy playing with it. One new outfit and 3 pair of shoes and still have money left! Yesterday I also picked my first "big" tomato out of the garden and split a "mater" sandwich with Kenny - Yum - we have lots of greeen ones so I can't wait for them to get ripe. I can live on Tomato Sandwiches (with Duke's Mayo and lots of salt and pepper). I did talk to my Mom today and Daddy went to the "Heart Doc" for a check up. Basically, the Doc told him not to do anything - his heart is just getting weaker and weaker and to keep his little pills ready to go under his tongue. I can't think about this now - I shed a few tears and I have to put it out of my mind or I'll go crazier than I already am. I Love him too much and we are going for a visit next week so Tomorrow is Another Day and I'll have my Daddy. (Is my name Scarlett????) Oh, those moments when you wish you had your camera .......Matilda wants to play everyday in the yard - throw the toy for her to chase. I was watering and throwing and she climbed onto the brick next to the garden - got on her tippy toes - and put her front feet on the bird bath and had a drink!!!! It was so damn cute and I of course did not have my camera. I know better - I should always carry it in my pocket but it was so quick I would probably have missed it. But maybe she will do it again. Tatiana will go with me to feed the birds then she comes back in the studio - she really does not like it outside. But she did wonderful on the ride Sunday from Columbus and today it thundered (but got no rain) and she was scared but not as bad as usual so I think the "meds" are helping some. I've had my shower to get the oil paint off everywhere and going to read my book now. Went to Libray yesterday and got a whole new group of books so I'm set for a bit. I think I rambled a bit but that's just the way this ole mind is working right now.......

Best of My Day: Matilda drinking from the "Bird Bath" on Tippy Toes.....


Christy said...

Great shoes! Congrats on finding them in TWO colors!

60ish and Glad said...

I never seem to have a camera handy either. I have missed so many good moments. My photos from the reunion were pathetic. Everything is blurry. My prayers with your Daddy.