Sunday, June 22, 2008

Weekend Over

Someone PLAY with me now!!!
My pretty flowers ooooooh

My Little Garden
mmmmmmm - tomatoes

St. Augustine Jug and Fruit

Another weekend at Beluga over and tired but we had a good one. Great crowds both nights. Today we did the yard work - I love having a freshly mowed lawn and I also picked 2 more yellow squash from my garden. I found tiny cucumbers and lots of green tomatoes! Yeah I can't wait. We have to pick up all of Matilda's toys in the yard when we mow and if you put them in the Garden under the deck she brings them back out in the yard!! Tatiana stands in the door watching but she does not like the noise. After we were thru we came in and I made Kenny a grape snow cone - the very best $2.00 I have spent lately - at the Goodwill -for a brand new Pampered Chef Ice Shaver with a recipe book! I have always wanted a Snow Cone maker and this is fantastic! I made my grape syrup and I'm going to make some Orange this week. I LOVE Snow Cones! It's off to Art Class tomorrow and I have to take Matilda to the Vet for her shots. Then it's to Columbus on Thursday so it's going to be a very quick week. I really had hoped to paint some this week too so I hope I can find the time. I finished a still life (the one I set up in the studio) and a couple of cigar boxes too. I gave my pear box away for a birthday and had to paint me another one - now I've got another birthday person this weekend! I really need to get a stock pile going. Time Time Time - never enough of it! But the air is cool (we have on the attic fan), the garden is growing, and Matilda and Tatiana had a bath so we're all doing fine!!!!!

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