Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Some Days ya pick to just do it.

I have been wanting to clean out the basement for a while. Lots of woodworking stuff, craft stuff and just junk. So now I have a more organized basement and a ton of trash to somehow get Kenny to remove!!! I love to clean out and organize but I also like to have "stuff" because you never know when you might need it. Point in case: I threw away some rubber stakes that and tonight Kenny said come see what I put around the trunk of the tree that we had to cut down. It was some plastic "Picket Fence" stuff that was in the garage and it had fallen on the van. I asked him if it would stay and he said all we need is some stakes - DUH - just threw them away! First of all, he NEVER decorates the yard - that's me that loves little stone animals - and second - I even looked at the stakes and thought hmmmmm - then, nah - toss 'em! Life is funny that way. Now I could dig thru the trash to find the stakes - maybe not.... I did get to cook a nice dinner and we sat down together and ate - that was great. Also, I had stumped my toe on the baby gate Sunday and today it decided to hurt like hell. Then, doing the dished I jammed my little finger (that I had jammed before) so now it's crooked and hurts like hell too. This is all kinda funny if everything didn't hurt - did I mention my knee is still swollen too....I really not in a bad mood - as I said I love to "clean out" but I think I will take something for the pain - DUH again and read my book in bed. Surely, I can't hurt myself that way - wait I might fall OUT of the bed!!!!! Oh, I need a bed time story!!!!

1 comment:

Christy said...

Maybe you should just curl up into a safe corner on the floor....and ride it out :)