Thursday, June 19, 2008

Trixie and Bonnie Blue Bell

"There's No Place Like Home" - is so much better than "You can never go Home again" - even though they both are true. This is one of the good ones. I drove to SC on Monday - tired from the weekend - and walked in my house which is always "Home". Daddy is so tired these days - of course at 95 I would be too - but to walk in and kiss him is something I cannot bear to think of not being able to do. Of course, Mother was in the kitchen cooking up a wonderful dinner and the puppies were doing the "Happy Dance" on the floor while the kitties scattered upstairs. So we had a nice visit together. After dinner, Mother (amazing at 82) and I got "Trixie" out of the van and got Bonnie Blue Bell out of the shop and pumped up the tires! These are our 3 wheel tricycles! We put Tatiana in one basket and Matilda in another and off we went! The breeze was wonderful and I was taken back to about 10 years old with the wind in my face and my legs pedaling so fast (well, not so fast now). It is amazing where a feeling like that can take you. But this time something special happened too. My mother was right beside me and we were the same age! Two 10 year old girls on their Trikes. We were best friends giggling and making figure 8's in the driveway. As the cars drove by I commented they probably laughed and said look at those 2 old women riding Trikes and my mother is the one who said no they are saying look at those 2 little fat "girls" on Trikes!!! That's what made me realize you can go back - be 10 and be your mother's best friend. Wow, what a feeling. Of course, then she said - oooh - one of those little fat girls lit a cigarette! To top this off a 9 year old neighbor boy came by (he had been hitting baseballs with his Dad in the field) - now THAT will really take you back - and we talked a bit and we asked what he thought about the two old ladies riding their trikes - he said well, you girls are sisters - right? What a revelation! So I guess it really can happen - a 57 year old and an 82 year old can be sisters. I loved the feeling, I loved the laughter, I loved the love. Then as always we sat outside until after midnight in the cool breeze. Went inside and had that piece of poundcake and strawberries for a late night snack. My Daddy always says what are you two doing out there so late - just living!!! The next day was busy and my cousin Karen joined us for lunch. We rode the "Trikes" with her that night and she could not believe how great it was! She kept saying this is just like when we were kids! Hung around all day on Wednesday, washed the cars, spent some time with Daddy and yes, took one last ride on the Trikes before heading to Atlanta. I left "Trixie" at home so we will have them there (and Karen can come and ride) and I so look forward to going home again and riding with my best friend - my Mother.....


Christy said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

60ish and Glad said...

Claiborne that was a beautiful piece! How cute is your momma riding that trike! Get that cigarette out of your mouth and earn 15 cute points! (Smile.)