Monday, June 9, 2008

Visit to Deb, Maggie and little Adam

Proud new "Grandparents"
Tatiana says I'll play with you Adam

I'm not sure about this "boy" thing!

My dear friend Deb and Adam

Tired Tired

My Uncle Kenny is funny too!

My new Uncle Kenny

I said Play with me NOW

Every sick girl needs stuffed animals

My Favorite - Maggie and her Sunflowers

Two Monkeys and a Banana

Tug of War!!!

Sweet Maggie

My new Blue Elephant

Little Adam

One great thing that happened in Florida was we did go visit our friend Deb and met Maggie and Adam. Deb's precious Mellie went to the Rainbow Bridge in Feb and I encouraged her to get another Yorkie -it's OK to love again. So along came "Adam" - he's a darling little boy that loves to cuddle and give kisses (and nose nips). We have not seen Deb in a few years so this was wonderful to see her. We always email but a visit in person was what we all needed. And as soon as Maggie saw us up went her little arms for a hug - she is just a doll. She was sick but I've never seen a more "good" sick girl. So we had 2 nights and we just talked and ate and swam (mostly told Yorkie Stories). The girls and Adam played although Matilda squealed a lot at Adam. Surprisingly is was Tatiana who stuck her little butt in the air and played with him. We got toys for all and stuffed animals for Maggie so that was a lot of fun. Now we can't wait for them to visit us here in Atlanta in their "House on Wheels". As you can imagine my camera was clicking away and here are some of my favorites.

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