Friday, December 28, 2007

Getting ready for the Big Weekend

OK friday is upon us (after a night's sleep) and here we go. Two nights at Beluga for the pre-New Year's Eve then a big Band Cook off on sunday with friends and on Monday New Year's Eve at the St Ives Country Club. I got to stay home today (yeah) and rest a little. Kenny went to pick up LeBron and Darrin and Lauren joined us for a little rehersal. I worked on my cigar boxes (taking the labels off) while they went over some songs then we went over some together. We're ready for New Year's and I hope we have a good friday and saturday at Beluga. So Get Ready cause here we come......

Best of My Day: A clean house with Christmas Lights still shining and friends......

Thursday, December 27, 2007

More Christmas

Dummy had deleted her photos from the computer trying to fix my Zune - good thing the pics were still in my camera!!!!!!

A Wonderful Quiet Christmas

Ah, the quiet and coziness of Christmas 2007. Mother and Daddy arrived on Christmas Eve and Daddy made the trip fine. He said he felt pretty good and at 94 years old that is a blessed thing! We got everyone and all the gifts in and settled in for a nice afternoon. I didn't have much to do because I had prepared a lot on Sunday night. Kenny (of course) had to do some last minute shopping HA HA - but he did have the flu last week so he did have a good excuse. Daddy rested some and when Kenny got back we had our wonderful "Filet" Steak Christmas Eve Dinner in the dining room. We enjoyed a fire and some wine and visiting. Christmas morning before we could even get a cup of tea and coffee Matilda wanted her presents - I think she could smell them! Her and Tatiana cried and scratched the boxes (this is true)! So we began to open our presents and having the fun. It was a wonderful year with very nice gifts. It was also cloudy and raining which you people know I loved (I was still hoping for snow but I'll take the rain!) We cleaned up had the big Daddy breakfast and just hung out all Christmas Day in our PJ's. This is how I LOVE to spend to Christmas. We cooked the ham and had our Tradition Sliced Bar-B-Que's with Daddy's sauce then played with our Zune MP3 players - Man, need Andrew to help me figure this out! Old people with electronics - now that is a hoot! Finally, after everything was done we all finally went to bed tired, full, and happy. So many things to be thankful for this Christmas with family, God, our country, friends, home and our babies. Merry Christmas 2007.....

Thursday, December 20, 2007

A really nice Day

Kenny is feeling a little better and I actually sorta took the day off. I did cook us breakfast (at 1 pm) of french toast and bacon which Kenny felt like eating. Then I just messed around in the house and enjoyed the cloudy day with all my Christmas lights on. I brushed the girls hair and put in red and green bows, got my new outfit and jewelry ready for the gig. Then I took a little "kitty nap" during Oprah. Kenny was hungry again (that means he's getting better) so I made us a nice dinner. Watched a little TV then made homemade Cheese Biscuits. These are one of my favorite things in the world and this is my mother's recipe. Cleaned everything up and now just enjoying the quiet time. Man, this was a great day! Tomorrow start the marathon gig weekend but I'm looking forward to it. Mother and Daddy will get here on Christmas Eve and we'll enjoy another couple days of quiet before the next wave of busy time. It's nice to take a day and enjoy the season............

Best of My Day .....Baking cheese biscuits and eating them right out of the oven!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bah Bah Humbug Flu

I'm afraid Kenny has the flu and it's not pretty. He started feeling bad on Sunday night and then had to go to Athens for a big meeting on Monday. He "crawled" home Monday evening and went straight to bed (you know he's really sick then). He has stayed in bed today and eaten a little bit and drank some Gator Aide and Apple Juice. We have one the biggest gigs of the year this Thursday night and we just hope he will be a little better. You know, the show must go on - believe me - been there done that. My first year in Las Vegas I had the flu on New Year's Eve and it was miserable. Good news is housekeeping came today so the house is clean, and I finished up my "little" stuff shopping for my mother - Yeah - Whoopee.. And I wrapped all the gifts tonight so there - DONE! We do have to go to Columbus this weekend too so it's going to be a rough one for Kenny. He keeps telling me to wash my hands - they are raw!! - I only have a sore throat but I think I'm OK. I believe the Scotch helps! I just hope Kenny will feel a little better by Christmas so he can enjoy it. I have to try on my dress with my high heels tomorrow and see if I have to hem it and pack for Columbus because I won't have time for that on Thursday. Tatiana was so sweet and stayed in bed with her Daddy today. Matilda followed me around - could not figure out what was going on! We're all snuggled in the bed now and hopefully get a good night's sleep - sleep well my Kenny and get well.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I can finally Post This!

I have been waiting to post this because Kristy reads my blog! This is one of my favorite paintings I have done. It's little "Zoey" and she is as sweet as she looks. Kristy took care of me when I had my surgery this year and her and Zoey spent the weekend with us. We would all pile in the bed along with Matilda Mae and Tatiana. So I got to give it to her last night at Beluga. We had a great weekend too and I wore my Santa suit last night. And FINALLY it's getting cold again - suposed to be 25 degrees tonight - yeah - whoopee - I feel a cozy fire, blankies, snuggle dogs and hot chocolate! Merry Christmas Baby Girl!!!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

December 13th

This is the day my dearest friend became an Angel. It's hard to believe it's been 8 years that Kathy Morrow has left us. She fought a long hard battle with breast cancer. Kathy is my oldest friend - we were 3 and 1 when we built our house "across the road" and we grew up as playmates and sisters. Not everyone is blessed enough to know a friendship like this. This goes back to your earliest memories in life and there she is. It's different from having an actual sister because she is my "chosen" sister. As we grew from children our lives sometimes took separate directions but we always came back around to each other. And we were always there for each other no matter what. After Kenny and I moved back to Atlanta Kathy was already fighting her battle and Kenny got to know her for the wonderful person she was. He named her "Kitty Kat" and she loved him too. It's important to me that my "soul mate" in life got to know and love my "sister " in lie. That is a great connection. I still miss her every day but I know she is at peace now and I also know that she is my guardian angel. She looks down on me and gives me comfort and laughs at me sometimes too. She was the one who thought everything I did was great and was always proud of me - you don't find that in life too often either. So my dear friend I remember you on this day not because it's the day you died but because I'm so grateful I had you my life all those years. I love you Kitty Kat.

This is a poem I wrote in the spring after Kathy has passed away. I'd like to post it on this blog.

A Star

Today I picked a flower
It smelled so pretty and and sweet
The sun was shing in the sky
And the birds singing with their tweets
As the sun went down - The dusk rolled in
I took the flower outside
I made a wish and kissed it once
Then threw it to the sky
As I lookd up there was an angel
Who caught the flower in her wing
Then turned it into a shining star
As she began to sing
So when you look into the sky
Open your heart and release your sorrow
For the brightest star in all the sky
Has a name and it's Kathy Morrow......

Kathy Morrow January 3rd, 1952 - December 13th, 1998

Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Last Week before Christmas

I finished Kenny's Christmas shopping except for his Ipod and we're going to go look at that tomorrow. And now I just need some little stuff for my mother and I'm done. I've been out every day this week and I would love a day at home - oops, I have to work the next two nights so there is no rest until sunday! I'm really trying to get everything done this week because I do love to have non stressful week before Christmas. Of course, we have the Vining Club party next thursday then to Columbus for the weekend so there's not much time! Kenny did take off this evening and we went to the Mall - believe me, this is the ONLY time I will go to the mall this year. But I had looked everywhere I normally do for a New Year's Eve Dress and NOTHING! I can't believe I finally found the Perfect Dress at Macy's! When all else fails, go to Macy's - it's not the NYC store but close! It's a long silver dress and I'm so glad I found it. I'm tired of Black and this is perfect. And the theme at the Country Club where we are playing is "Monte Carolo New Year's Eve" so it looks "Old" Hollywood! No pics yet because I had to try it on with black socks - HA - but when I get the whole outfit ready there will be pics along with Kenny in his Tux - ALL the guys will wear tux that night! Now I'm getting in the mood and de-stressing! I also got all my Art Tiles ready tonight also to give out at Beluga. I'm beginning to feel like Santa Claus and I like it. And I WILL wear my Santa Suit on Saturday night at Beluga. So let's begin the last week before Christmas - the girls are bathed and smell so good, my shopping is almost done, got the NYEve Dress, so HO HO HO!!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Paw Prints in the Sand

I somehow found this once on line and wanted to post this for all of our Doggie Angels........

In Memory of Opie

My Sister in Law's little Opie went to the Rainbow Bridge this weekend. Here he is sleeping on Natalie this past Thanksgiving. Anyone who knows me, knows how important dogs are in my life. I simply do not exist without them. And I know Kathy feels the same way. There is a certain bond with us and our dogs that only God can understand. I'm sad for her and know the pain she and Bill are feeling. But the pain of losing a dog is overidden by the love and joy that bring into our lives. You never replace them but you do bring others into your heart and love them with the same fierce love you give to them all. Be at peace, Sweet Opie and you are with all of our other "angels" at the Rainbow Bridge......

The Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth. It is called the Rainbow Bridge because of its many colors.
Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills and valleys with lush green grass.
When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again. Those who are maimed are made whole again. They play all day with each other.
There is only one thing missing. They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. So, each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks up! The nose twitches! The ears are up!
The eyes are staring! And then one suddenly runs from the group!
You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet you take him or her in your arms and embrace.
Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet.
Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.

A visit from our friend

Pat Juneau came in for a visit this past week. He was our guitar player who Kenny has played with for 31 years! Kenny first introduced me to Pat in Houston and I immediately wanted him in the band. He is a special soulful singer and I learned so much from him. We had a lot of laughs and memories and made some more! Friends are so important in our lives and we have had two very important people visit us in the last month. Rick and Pat were with us a large part of our careers and we treasure them. We also had a great weekend at Beluga and now it's on with the Christmas Season. We are in a record breaking "heat wave" for 3 days and it is so weird! 76 degrees is just so not right in December. There is a cold front on the way for the weekend and I'll be back in the Christmas feeling!

Best of My Day: Having our friend Pat here for good times!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Jeff Williams Art

This is my friend Jeff Williams Web Site - he is an amazing artist and just got selected to show at the Louvre in Paris !! Way to go Jeff......

Stage Photos

A friend of mine at Beluga who is a fellow artist took some photos of my on stage then messed with them on his computer - turned out kinda cool! I always have my mouth wide open in pictures - of course, I guess that's what I do when I sing!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Hot Chocolate and the Fireplace

Oh what a great evening. Today I worked on Art Tiles, paintings and stayed home trying to get over this cold and sore throat. But tonight I curled up in my chair with the babies, watched TV and made a cup of Hot Cocoa from Andrew and Emma! And THAT was the Best of My Day!!!

AHHHHHH Christmas

A sore throat and Christmas Shopping!

Not a very good combination but I did get some shopping done. I actually found a couple of books I think My Daddy will enjoy at Borders. That is usually the hardest part - finding a book he does not already have! And I found a great Christmas PJ set to wear Christmas Day and I don't plan on getting out of them all day! I look forward to a quiet day with Kenny, Tatiana, Matilda Mae and My Mom and Dad. With all the maddess going on before Christmas it's nice to take a breath and enjoy the moment. We've got a lot going on right now with extra gigs and band stuff. And I hate this sore throat - that usually never happens to me and I sure hope it's better by the weekend. My Baby Girl (Kristy) is 30 years old today and I want to wish her a Happy Happy Birthday! I know there is a great party going on in Buckhead but Mama can only do that 2 nights a week - I'm getting too old! I wrapped presents tonight and cooked chicken for the doggies - chop it up, put in in my food saver and freeze it - makes it easy! Kenny and Pat left for Columbus with LeBron and Arthur. I just didn't want to go and try to work 4 nights and I think they will have a good show and a good time. Just hope they have a good crowd. Now hopefully a good night's sleep and feeling better tomorrow!

Best of My Day: Wrapping Christmas presents and putting them under the tree!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Our Friend is Here

Pat Juneau from Las Vegas is here for the week with us. Pat and Kenny and I go back to the Houston days and then on to Vegas for 10 years. It's great having him and the gig will be very special this weekend with Pat's singing and guitar playing! The only bad thing is he has a bad cold and I have a sore throat! Hope Kenny doesn't get it! I don't feel real good so it's night-night! Pat and I both have "Vic's" on our chest - Mother was right about this one....

Best of My Day - Welcoming our friend Pat to our home and having a wonderful Pot Roast Dinner with Cornbread and Baked Apples.....

Monday, December 3, 2007


And here she is.......Blue Bird!!!!!!