Thursday, November 15, 2007

Where has this week gone?

Oh my it's already Thursday (1:18 am) and I've been running around all week! Tomorrow I have got to start getting everything ready to go to Florida! All the table decorations, gifts, cooking stuff and clothes! I know it will be HOT there so I've got to dig out something I can wear. Rats, I wish just once we'd have a "cold snap" in Florida! Christy and I would just love that and Kathy would just sit by the fire!!! Tee Hee. I am looking forward to seeing everyone there and we will have lots of blessings to be thankful for. I really really did finish my Trinklein Christmas shopping today and got a very special project started (can't tell anyone!) I do know I have run all over Atlanta the past two days and today some one robbed a bank and put me in a traffic nightmare. They shut down 400 and is was a parking lot so I went around on back roads but it still took forever. So I called my girlfriend Doc and we had a nice talk! Oh, I also read a paperback book until it got dark - never go out in traffic without a book! I learned this living in New York City sitting in the Lincoln Tunnel! Now for the great news: it's RAINING IN ATLANTA! We need this rain so much and even though it won't fill up our lake it's wonderful. It thundered and of course, I had to hold Tatiana because she's so afraid of thunder - Matilda could care less! It's also hot - I've got the ceiling fan on AND my sleeping fan but the good news is a cold front coming right behind this rain and it's not supposed to get out of the 50's tomorrow and 30 tomorrow night - yeah - whoopee - fire in the fireplace (turn on the gas logs!) And I have stuff to make soup and cornbread - yum. Ah, a day at home, cold, soup, packing, wrapping and just enjoying the day - I guess that will be "The Best of My Day".....

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