Thursday, November 8, 2007

Breakfast in Bed

This is one of our favorite things to do in the morning. We get up, make tea, go outside to wee and jump back in the bed for breakfast. Breakfast of course, is "Rolly Food" (dry dog food). Matilda likes hers on her little bed and Tatiana runs to her "house" to have hers laid out. Now, Tatiana will NOT touch hers until Matilda has finished hers - sometimes the second helping! It's really a fun routine they have and of course, the toys are all a big part of it. I counted FIVE balls in the bed the other night and sometimes you will roll over on a squeaky toy! Poor Daddy is trying to get some sleep in the other room!! But this bonding time for me and the girls is very special - oh, what am I doing? Drinking me English tea, having a cig and reading the emails and news - oh and blogs. Ricky thought this was so funny he wanted me to take pictures to send to England! So cheerio......
This really is the best of my day -Our Morning Time......

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