The Yorkie Cake
Now that was a party!!! Belloo's threw me a fabulous Birthday Party on Saturday! Actually I had a great day all day. Kenny and I and Dehra and Pat went to Ezell's (my favorite catfish place in Columbus) for lunch then Dehra and I had our "girl" time. She got me a pair of red boots at Shoe Time, then we went and tried on wigs for about 2 hours! She also got me the wig and I love it. I've almost cut my hair back like this but hated to go so short I could only do one style - well, now I don't have to. I love the wigs and we can change our look every show! It's so much fun. Pat also got me a BIG surprise - the Chimmnea I have wanted for 2 years. Actually it's prepaid here in Cumming so we have to pick it up at Lowe's and I can't wait. And my friends were so wonderful. I got so many nice presents - a Silver Pandora Charm braclet that I LOVE and hope to keep adding to, a silver ring and earrings, 2 purses, a glass necklace, picture frame, a Martini Tote Bag and mirror, a new stainless steel "Diet Coke " bottle (I never go anywhere without that) and beautiful flowers in a fall vase. Also my friend Stevie and her boyfriend Phil drove down and got a room and she makes these wonderful vintage aprons and towels and she made one for me that I got to open on stage. Of course, there were cupcakes and the very best, Kay found a tiny little Chocolate Yorkie Cake - it was precious and delis too!! And my Birthday is actually tomorrow! We had to pack ALL the stuff on Sunday and I had been leaving clothes so we had a extremely full van. Everything is still in the bags because I had my first Art Group tonight and came home and "re-packed" a small bag. For my Birthday Kenny and I have a room in Cherokee, NC tomorrow night -with a private balcony overlooking a river and pet friendly! Just one night in the "cool" mountains is all I want! Then we are going to drive the Blue Ridge Parkway on Wed and end up at Mother and Daddy's that evening. Thursday morning we'll have a Birthday Breakfast for Mother - she will be 85 - then drive back to Atlanta. We don't have much time but I just could not be this close and be there for my Mother's birthday. So, I think it's going to be a wonderful 59th birthday and I'm so blessed to have such great friends. More pictures I hope from mountains soon!!!!
Awwww, wonderful! Happy birthday, Nana! We love you!
Good heavens! You are a spoiled brat! But a very cute one! Love the wig too. What fun
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