Friday, July 10, 2009

Painting Progress

I'm not quite done - got to darken the shadows and lighten the lights but I'm loving this painting - it's a wedding gift - I may do a wild animal series! It was so great to paint for a couple of days this week. I needed it so bad and I hope to get in a couple more next week. It's work time now for the weekend so I have to rest, rest, rest and I can't seem to sleep more than 4 hours at a time. I hate it when I get like this - I'll end up crashing sometime next week.


Christy said...

Wonderful! SO very different from your previous work in many ways...but beautiful and powerful in its own way :)

60ish and Glad said...

I love it very very much. I think you will find the wild animals very popular for selling. Especially if they are this good!!

Little Nola Bucklew will have little gray elephants in his nursery. I bought a stuffed toy that is a life like baby elephant. I think Mindy liked it pretty well. They are doing such a great job planning and getting ready. Well anyway...that is email stuff. Love ya.

Cliff Cole & Debbie Basora said...

I love it. Elephants!! I have a watercolor of a herd of horses that Toby and Delphine bought me on the street in Paris. I love it. I'll try to take a picture of it and email it to you.